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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Top 10+ IELTS Listening Tips 2018-19

IELTS Listening Tips 2018-19

These IELTS Listening Tips help you to get your perfect score in Listening Module.i.e. 9.0. These IELTS Listening Tips are given by professional who gets their perfect score in this module. These IELTS Listening Tips are the best tips which help many people to track this module very easily.
IELTS Listening Tips
Top 10+ IELTS Listening Tips 2018-19
Before Starting the IELTS Listening Tips, you should familiar with flowing some general concepts of Listening Tasks.

The Listening Test is the same for the Academic and General Training. 

There are four sections with 40 Questions in Listening Tasks. 

- Section 1 (Social) Two Speaker: This section is easy in which mostly two people have a conversion on phone or another way. This conversion is mostly to book a restaurant, taxi, movie ticket, and an appointment. 

- Section 2 (Social) One Speaker: This section is also very easy. In this task mostly, there is a tour guide which explains the history and facilities of some resorts, organization, building, and charity. 

- Section 3 (Academic) Three/Four Speakers: This section is quite challenging in which three/Four Speakers are taking. These speakers have the different accent to speak and we have to identify who is speaking. 

- Section 4 (Academic) One Speaker: This is the most difficult section and often, students get the lowest score in this section. In this section, A speaker gives an academic lecture. 

The length of this test is 40 minutes. A student will listen 30 minutes audio and 10 minutes are given to transfer the answer on the answer sheet.

Now let's see the IELTS Listening Tips 2018-19 in detail:

1. Read Questions First: The Candidate should read the questions first when there is a time to read the question. It will help students to find the answer because the student has some idea after reading the questions what he/she should find in audio to get the answer. 

2. Capital Letters OR Lower Case Letters: The candidate has the option to give all answers in capital letters or lower case letters. Be careful, if you choose capital letters to answer, then all the answer should be in capital letters and vice versa. A candidate can not mix the answer in capital or lower case letter because it can reduce its marks even if answers are correct. 

Capital Letters Example:

Lower Case Letters Example: 
- flower
- Sandeep Singh - This is a name so a student should make the first letter capital. In Lower Caes, you should follow the grammar rules so be careful in lower case. 

Note: My Personal Favorite Method is Capital because it is easily readable and no stress of grammar rules.  

3. Preposition:  Many candidates are confused that they should use the preposition before the answer or not. Actually, it depends upon the answer to answer such as:

-- Place _ _ _ _: For this answer, the preposition will be used such as at hospital or at restaurant etc. 

-- The best place to meet is _ _ _ _ _: For this option, we have to write the full answer with prepositions. 
  The best place to meet is at the hospital.

4. No of Words For Each Answer: Many times students get confused with the following statement that how many words should they write in the answer ??

Statement: "No more than two words and/or a number".

This statement has four meaning:

1. No more than two words.

 - The answer can have a single word. e.g.    Businessman.

2.  No more than two words: 
- The answer can have two words. e.g. 
Local Businessman.

3. A number only:
- The answer can have only a number. e.g. 50.

4. No more than two words and a number:
- The answer can have two words and a number. e.g. 50 Local Businessman.

5. Spelling: This is another very good IELTS Listening Tips. Spelling is very important in the IELTS. If you have written the right answer, but spelling is not correct then you will get no marks for that answer. Therefore, The candidate should practice more and more to avoid the mistakes of spelling. 

6. Write Options or Words: Sometimes, the examiner asks to write the option letters in the answer such as 

(a) RAM
(b) SHAM
(c) JACK

So the answer should be like (a) or (d) or other option on the answer sheet. But students write RAM or SMITH or other words from the option. This is wrong and the student will not get any marks if the answer asks to write option but students write words and vice versa. 

So the student should note this IELTS Listening Tips carefully to avoid this kind of mistake.

7. Underline the Keyword: When the candidate is reading the question, the student should underline the important keywords in the question. e.g.

The Rafale deal is signed with..........

The keywords are underlined below:

The Rafale deal is signed with.........

This will help the candidate to focus on the required words to find the answer more easily. When the word Rafale, deal, and signed come in audio, then the candidate will be prepared to write the answer. It is very important IELTS Listening Tips.

8.  Quick Answer or Answer After a Gap: The Answer can come quickly and have a gap between the answer. So the candidates should aware of the next question because the answer can come quickly. If you have a question in mind, then you can easily write the answer to that question from the audio.

Sometimes, they trick you to delay the answer and most students feel a panic situation that they have missed something. But actually, they delay the answer to confuse the candidates. 

So if you have the next question in mind, then you can easily cross this trap of Listening. 

9. Notes: This is another very crucial trick of IELTS Listening Tips. Always makes notes. 

Suppose your answer is University Book Shop. 

If you go to write the whole 3 words, then it will take some time and disturb your concentrate from the audio. 

So better way to make notes of it as Uni Bk Sp. And at the last transfer time, write the whole answer University Book Shop. 

10. Plurals: The candidates are not the native speaks and listener of English. So there is always a big chance to miss the plurals word in the audio. Therefore, a candidate should aware the plurals and tried to catch all the plurals. 

11. Answer changed: The student should not write the answer very quickly because the speaker changes the answer often. This is another common trap of IELTS. 

12. Paraphrasing: The paraphrasing is another common trap in the Listening. The speaker does not speak the same words or sentence in the question. Actually, the change the sentence words or sentence, but the meaning remains the same which is called paraphrasing. 

A student should master itself in the paraphrasing technique to get the perfect score. 

13. Listening IELTS Audio Online: Most of the candidates watch English movies or listen to English songs to make their listening strong. It is good. If they listen IELTS Listening audio also, then this is more beneficial for them. Because this technique will provide the same environment in which they are going to give the test. 

14. Answer Sheet: The students should always transfer their answer on the answer sheet. Because it will ease the tension in exams by providing the same environment in home practice. 

15. Do Not Panic: If you miss an answer, do not panic, just move to the next question. This is the best way to save itself to miss more answer. 

16. Guess: This is the last IELTS Listening Tips. If you don't know the answer, then tried to guess the answer by remembering the audio of listening. It is very good to write something than to leave the answer blank. 

In conclusion, with right practice, a student can easily crack this exam. The audio has 40 answers, it is student capability to find the answer from the audio. These IELTS Listening Tips will definitely help the candidates to score more. 


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